Sunday, April 27, 2014

Time to wake up and see the sign's Dad !

I know it's been along time since any updates on this site have been done. I had been putting most of my efforts into but have decided I would start using this site more hence this post.

So this morning I decided to try something with our youngest one (who is usually up at the crack of dawn on the weekends.) She has been working her butt of in school and at home trying to earn a little more trust from us and has been doing a great job at .

The Experiment

I figured I would set up a bowl of cereal for her and set it on the table.
Also pour her a cup of milk to put in her cereal and put it in the refrigerator and leave her a note on the table saying "Good morning Jade I will be up around 9 a.m. Love Dad !"
I know you're thinking well is she going to be able to read that ?
This is what I sat down to this morning when I sat down in my chair to drink my morning coffee.

Sometimes we as parents are blind to the fact that our children understand more than we think.
Granted somethings are misspelled but for the most part she was able to convey her message.
Thinking back to when I was her age(34years ago) I wouldn't have been able to do this well.
Also I must admit this put a huge smile on my face (very hard to do before coffee in the morning !) 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Crown Jewel

I took this August 22nd when Jade (aka my little helper ) and I went to the neighborhood park to let her blow off some steam.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

Messy Mark ©

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Took Jade to the park today with camera in tow. Seen this sunflower just across the street from the entrance to the park . So of course we had to make a little detour so dad could get a couple of shots of it. :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

In The Yard

These were taken in the same yard the other day.

Thanks for taking time to look .

©Messy Mark

Monday, August 12, 2013

Snack Time

Butterfly 8-12-13

Today I was fortunate enough for a neighbor to allow me to take some photos in their yard and this is one of the reasons I had asked them if I would be able to.

I had seen a bunch of these over there the other night when I had taken the dog's out in the backyard.
The first thought was to go grab my camera but then the second thought was wait a minute that's not your yard you fool you better ask first. So this morning when I had the dog's out in the backyard again  one of the owners of the property was getting into her car and I asked her if it would be ok to photograph some of the butterflies in their yard. As you can see she was more than willing to allow me to do so. Also shared some intriguing info about something else that visits this particular bush that I would be so stoked to get a clear picture of. They have a couple of hummingbird moth's that frequent this bush. So I'll be staking this bush out for the next couple of days you can bet on that .

Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my site.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Moment Of Clarity

This particular photo was a moment in time for me when I realized exactly how much pleasure photography brings to me. For those of you that enjoy photography you might understand what I'm talking about. The exact moment I hit the shutter button I knew this was going to be a beautiful picture and I had this feeling of excitement to get home to my computer and view exactly how well it turned out. When I finally was at home and had my laptop out and my sd card loaded into the card reader I started to get butterflys in my stomach as it was loading. So that is the reason for this photos name.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. As always thank you for taking the time to stop by and taking a look.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Front and center

Figured I would introduce my Oscar Tiggy my little helper named him when I first brought him home. When I brought this fella home about 2 years ago he was only about the size of a pepsi bottle cap. Whenever I break out the camera he is always ready and willing and also very inquisitive about what is going on .

Thanks for taking the time to look.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sunset from Jades room

Took these this evening from my little helpers room(my youngest daughter Jade) She has the whole third floor of the house her room goes from one end of the house to the other and has large  windows at both ends of the room . I had been out on the back porch watching the sky and come rushing through the house told my wife I'll be upstairs in Jade's room as I grabbed my camera and tripod. I opened the window and set the tripod out on the flat roof and began taking pictures.Holding true to form my little helper was right behind me saying whether each picture I took was going to be a keeper or not. I have to give credit were credit is due only being 6 years old almost 7 in October she nailed it out of 10 pictures the 4 you see here were the ones she said would be a keeper because I took mental note of the shot numbers as they come up on the screen of the camera. Must say she has a good eye.

Thanks for taking the time to take a look .

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

 I took this a couple of months ago .Today I decided to reprocess it and add a little clarity to the photo also changed some of the shadowing. I think it adds much more depth and perception to the photo.
The story behind this photo was that my wife noticed I hadn't been out taking many photos and asked me why. I told her I just had not been feeling it at the time. For those of you that follow my photography you may or may not know anything about me I have been disabled since 2010 I have 2 surgeries under my belt and both failed to fix the problem with my back. The last surgery ended with complications to both my legs. Left leg on the outside has no feeling from the waist down and the right leg I have sharp shooting pains from the middle of my back to my right foot also sever pain in my lower back at L4 & 5 and S1 disk's. So going out an walking sometimes is very painful. Most of the time I limit how long I'm going to be out to an hour of so walking. Then I usually pay for it the following 2 days after. She said come on you need to get out of the house we will take the car and I will take you out to some back country roads I know (her being from the area we live in she knows it much better than I do) we had been driving for about 45 minutes when I told her to stop the car and she just looked at my like I was crazy. Cause there was no place to pull off. Again I repeated stop so she stopped right in the middle of this road you see here. I had to capture what I had seen in my mind for this picture. After redoing some of the shadowing and changing the clarity this projects exactly how I imagined this photo to turn out the moment we approached this point in the photo. The dark clouds more or less project how I had been feeling with the pain and slump I was in. The beautiful green grass and trees also shows how vibrant I felt at that moment with my wife beside me and helping me through the tough times. I hope you enjoy this photo as it has special meaning to me.

Monday, August 5, 2013

P.S.A about the website

Since I have changed things around a little bit by adding different pages listed under the tabs above.  when I post something new to them it will not show up here on the front page anymore . So please feel free to take a look around in the new pages. Who knows you might see something new? When I do post something new to a page (most of the time I try to remember) to post a link straight to that new post but I am human and forgetful sometimes. Hopefully everyone likes the new design as for me well that is different story. It will do for now I'm working on a new design that will be much more appealing to everyone and will showcase some of my work . Course it will be about a month or so and I will try to do it in the middle of the night not during the day like last time. For those of you that are daily followers I really do appreciate your support.  

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.


My Little Helper

Today I took my little girl out with me on a scouting expedition for some possible photo locations.
Here she is leaving her old man behind at the bottom of the rocky incline.
She was a great help today carrying my tripod at times for me,my backpack (course I had the camera with me just encase) 

Thanks for taking the time to look.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

This one is for my family far and near. MY LOADED BAKED POTATOES. And for dessert Carrot cake. Now for those of you that haven't had one of my potatoes if your friends with one of my family members just ask them. But you have to watch their eyes because most of them at one point or another while telling you about them will have this tell tale sign that shows how much they enjoy these. Most of the time the sign is their eyes will roll back in their head and all you can see is the whites of their eyes for just a moment then their mouth starts to water as they continue to try and explain them to you. Can't tell you my recipe cause "that's money" if you know what I mean. I will Show you a picture. But please don't be deceived by it's ordinary look's because under that cheese is a wonderful world that your taste buds will thank you for every delicious bite you put into your mouth. If you think I'm lying about how good they are just show this picture to one of my family members that has not had one for awhile and watch them.

Thanks for taking the time to take a look

OK done messing around.

I have worked most of the day and come up with a simple yet fast design for now.
Added tabs that separate my photography into a couple of categories. Also added a small list of my favorite Photographers and links to their G+ profiles ( I'm sure the list will get longer ) I'm hoping that the site will load much faster for everyone from large to small screens . I still have some changes coming to the site but that will be down the road a little bit .
Thank you all for your patients while I was changing things around.

Thanks for taking the time to look around .

Friday, August 2, 2013

Please bear with me as I redesign the site .

Please bear with me as I redesign the website. I will be working on today until I am satisfied with it and it works with great ease for everyone from small screens to large and mobile also.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Changing things around a little bit.

I'm going to be changing things around a little bit on the home page.
If you look up at the top of the site I have added new tab's for different categories of my photography.
As things progress I will be adding more tab's as my photography expands.
I am also going to try to set up a way for everyone to securely purchase prints and canvas directly from this site in hopes of being able to do it at a lower cost to you and still the same high quality I expect and you deserve.

Thanks for your patients 
© Messy