
I was really hoping this picture would have turned out better . That's what I get for not taking the bright sunshine into consideration when snapping a pic really quick or taking more than one photo of something thinking I'm that good (voice in my head "yeah right you're not that good as it laughs quite loudly sometimes) So onto the story behind this picture .
This young man and his beautiful German Shepherds (very friendly also) seen here was a surprise to me as to my little helper also (my youngest daughter Jade) and I were walking down this back road that clearly was marked and has been for many years closed and bridge out Due to the bridge washing out during a flash flood at one point and time .
But when we come to where the bridge once stood we find this young man and his dog's standing in the middle of the stream playing fetch and his little pickup truck parked in the middle stream also approximately where the bridge once stood .
So I struck up a conversation with him and he was telling me that they (dog's) enjoy coming down here and playing in the stream and it's also a quick and easy way to bathe them. As you can tell from this photo the stream is pretty shallow here where the bridge used to be (downstream is a different story) and as he and I are talking I hear a vehicle coming up behind us. I turn around to see another pickup truck slowly coming down the steep little hill leading into the stream and crosses the stream and continues on up the embankment and pass the signs on the other side warning the bridge is out. So apparently if you live in this area you would more then likely need a pickup truck to get to your home because this young man informed me that the boro has no plans in replacing the aforementioned bridge.
Moral of the story everyone needs a pickup truck .
Thanks for stopping by appreciate the support.


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